Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fun with Frogs

My sister and I took our kids to my parents' house a few days ago to swim in their pool. Thalia proceeded to rescue a tiny, tiny frog (toad?) from the pool.

I held him for a bit and the kids poked at him. They soon lost interest and jumped back in the water. Kristin and I, however, did what any mature woman would do...

We put the frog on a horse. Yes, that's a tiny, tiny horse. It was just Frog's size. How could we not take him for a ride? He enjoyed it quite a lot.

After a little gallop around the yard, he decided it was time to dismount...

...and find a more modern ride:

Yes, Froggy was big pimpin'. You can tell by the expression on his face that he was pretty full of himself in that car. Frog went a-courtin', and he did ride...he cruised around for awhile looking for a lady. Seems all the girl frogs had washed up dead in the pool's skimmer, however.

Frog's now on the lam, accused of murder. Good luck, Froggy. Godspeed.

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