Thursday, May 6, 2010

School's out for the summer.

Man alive am I tired!! For several days I was going to bed before midnight (which is pretty early for me) and feeling good, and then I started staying up later (until between 1 and 2, generally) and wasn't feeling so good. Last night I had to let my moisturizer/self-tanner soak in before settling in to bed, so I turned on the TV with the intention of watching just for those two minutes, but it was a show about the man whose arms exploded, and I needed to see that, so I stayed up, only to learn that his arms didn't explode at all. Hogwash. The moisturizer, however, is working, and as keen as I'm not on fake tans and the like, my legs always stay deathly pale all summer and I look very strange when my arms and the rest of my upper body is several shades darker than my legs. (Saying several shades darker, by the way, does not imply that I get tan. I just get a little less ghostly.)

But today was my final final, so I am DONE with school until August! Whoopee!! Now. You know what that means. I said that when the semester was finished, I was going to ch-ch-ch-ch-change my life. So, tomorrow. Tomorrow I eat well and read and write and mother attentively and be overall productive.

I've actually been more productive than normal lately (aside from today and yesterday, when my mind was overrun with facts about Quebec. Quebec is a very interesting place, by the way. Did you know that a referendum was held in 1995 for Quebec to become a sovereign nation, and 49.2% of Quebecers voted oui? C'est vrai. Quebec almost became its own country!!) I've been doing a pretty damn good job keeping up with laundry, dishes, and general tidiness. And it feels good. Now that "summer" is here, I'm ready to tackle some bigger projects that have long been on the back burner.

So tonight I will go to bed right after Real Housewives of NYC...and LA Ink...I don't watch those shows, naturally, but, um, I have to stay up until they're over? Er...

Oh yeah, and I'm thinking about moving to Oregon.

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