Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I'm changing my name to George.

Not really. But if I didn't already know that being a woman writer was an uphill battle, this fact was reinforced today when I overheard a guy at Starbucks laugh as he said to his friend, "I don't read women authors." Yeah. I mean, that just sucks. And unfortunately, he's one of many. I always like to pretend I'm not a feminist, but how can I help but be when that kind of sentiment is shared by many and is even considered comical? Women can't write? Or what they write isn't worth reading? Do I really have to go by A.M. instead of Abby to get respect? Or George, like George Eliot, whose real name was Mary Ann? I don't really feel like a George. I should at least pick a name out of left field, like Hans or Francesco or something.

I've thought of using a pen name, but I don't see myself as anything but Abby, so my first name will be staying the same. If people want to be jerks and not read me because I'm a woman, so be it. People suck.

1 comment:

  1. More power to you sister for representing us women in the literary world. Martha Gellhorn is one of my favorite authors and she stuck by her name. You should too. Write on!
