Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Straight, not Narrow

I'm coming out.

As a gay rights supporter, that is. Most of the people with whom I associate share my views, I know, but there are those who don't, and I must shamefully admit that I do not speak up sometimes when I should.

Truth be told, I'm extremely gay friendly. I'm not indifferent about this topic in the slightest. So I really should speak my mind. I would love to somehow be involved in activism, but I'm not sure quite where to start.

One evening, a professor of mine started a class discussion by writing a saying he'd seen on a bumper sticker on the board: "I'm straight, but not narrow." He then asked what we thought of it. Some of my classmates didn't care for it, saying that it seemed to be a straight person who supports gay rights but who feels the need to assure everyone that s/he is straight. That makes sense, but I disagreed. I like the saying. I think that if I support a cause from which I have nothing to gain, my support is all the more credible. I feel the same about marijuana legalization. I'm not going to say I've never done it, but I'm not a pothead by any means, and I really don't care if I ever smoke again in my life. But I'm a staunch supporter of legalization. Changing the laws wouldn't benefit me in any way, but I still want them changed -- doesn't that lend me some credibility?

Unfortunately, I don't think that those close to me who don't know my views on this subject will ever read this. But that's all right. I'm still putting it out there. If anyone has suggestions for ways to get involved, please let me know.

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