Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thalia's Thalias

When we were shopping for bulbs last fall, we came across a type of daffodil called thalia. How could I not buy those? So here they are, finally blooming! I had to photograph them from a strange angle, so the pictures aren't anything special, but how cool that my daughter planted flowers that share her name. A name that people thought I made up.

Once, when she was a tiny, tiny newborn, I was at the store with her and a woman came up and was adoring my precious little babe. She asked me her name, and when I told her, she said, "What? How do you spell it?" I spelled it for her, and her reply? "Poor little baby with a name like that!"

Clearly this woman had a super awesome name that made her such a super awesome person, with such splendid manners.

Well, news flash, it's a real name, with a cool origin, to boot. Thalia was a figure in Greek mythology. The muse of comedy, or one of the three Graces.

Notice the flowers in her hair?

Here's my Thalia:

We also got some more tulips...

Okay, I know that my gardening and photographic skills are nothing to brag about, but I've never planted anything that actually grew before! Did some seeds once...did not go well.

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