Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes, take II.

So in my usual fashion, I said I needed to change my life and then didn't even attempt to follow through. That's how I roll. I'm still watching reality TV (although I will say that I haven't started any new seasons...I'm just finishing out the ones I was already watching before originally saying that I needed to stop), I'm still eating terribly, and I'm still...uh, well, whatever else it was I said I needed to do, I'm sure I'm not doing it.

But I'm going to throw out an excuse...it's the end of the semester and I'm busy laying around and thinking about how much I don't want to do things. That takes a lot of energy. So give me a few weeks and we'll try again.

Oh, and we got a puppy, too, so yeah, that's my other excuse. He's a cool little dog and I'm really happy to have him. He plays with the kids, which our other dog, Beatrice, does not. And he and Beatrice have a lot of fun together, which makes me happy for her, since she doesn't want to play with the kids. His name is Ezra de la Pound. He's super fluffy and cute.

Ezra de la Pound

Cute as he is, he is, of course, work. We got Beatrice in January and she was 4 years old, housebroken, etc. She's a totally chill dog. She's awesome. We adore her. She was so easy to bring into our lives. Ezra keeps us on our toes. We're trying to housebreak him now. He's pretty much crate trained, which luckily didn't take long, and he's doing really well in the house, but we still have to watch him carefully. And he's very energetic, of course, and bites, and steals the kids' toys, and all that other puppy stuff. Soon we'll have a fence, though, and life should be a little easier.

This summer I want to do some work on my house, especially the outside. I want to get a lot of writing done, largely in preparation for my fiction classes that are coming this fall, and also to prepare my grad school portfolio. I want to prepare for and ace the GRE, which I'm really dreading ever since I took a math boot camp last Saturday and was reminded that I'm terrible at math. I want to read a lot (for entertainment purposes, and to read some stuff that I feel ashamed not to have read). I want to start cooking real meals again and trying to get healthy. I did well last summer, but then when school started, it was just too easy to slip back into my old habits. And I want to not just sit on my butt moping around like I so often do.

Here's hoping.

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